The humble pages of a some time writer

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Dennis Kohler is many things, one of which is a writer. He is a native of Northern Utah. He has spent 30 years teaching philosophy, linguistics, learning theory and ESL at universities in the USA, Kuwait, and Korea. He was once a rugby coach, carpenter, painter, armored car driver, cook, bartender, teacher, firefighter, newspaper reporter and babysitter.

Current and Future Fiction Projects

Short Stories

A short story is just a nibble, and for me at least, very hard to write.  I do try, and I do work to place them with various publications.


The novel is my preferred form of writing. I like to write and so always have a novel in the works. Please explore the work currently available for representation.
  Latest Published

"The Lookout" published by my friends at

"Sisters of Malintzin" appearing in Schlock! Webzine, August 2024

  In the Wings

Perhaps today is the day I hear of an acceptance.


If you are an agent, or want to try your hand at representing my work please review the synopsis of work ready for publication under the columns above. I would love to hear from you at the email address below.

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